Thursday, December 29, 2011

产业信托 (REITS)


1) 寻找一个放钱的地方
2) 以便得到2-3%左右的利息增长


首期20% = RM400k。 按20年贷款,每月大约供还RM12k。
1) 寻找好租客不是易事,当然也不是难,只是你也必须花很多心思,时间,甚至极端手腕来处理一些你想象不到的收租事件……
2) 要卖还需时间,也需讨价还价,更需长时间来完成交易。
3) 如果店屋搁置等待招租的时间是半年,那么你必须另外承担12k x 6 = RM72k的银行贷款。
4) 如果眼光不准,买的店屋难出租至一年,那么你必须另外承担12k x 12 = RM144k的银行贷款。但如果更长时间搁置呢?如果恰好金融风暴来袭呢?一切有关风险的可能性,绝对不能忽略。




1) 随心所欲,投资RM100或RM100万,随你。
2) 流动性,要用到钱,就卖股票吧,随时拿回自己的钱(约三天左右)。
3) 除了租金回酬之外,股价也会因为产业增值而达到另一回酬。
4) 安全稳定性强,因为产业不会突然在第二天猛涨或猛跌1000%,所以股价的表现通常平稳,追寻稳定性产业价值增长。


01) AHP (Amanah Harta Tanah PNB)
02) ALAQAR (Al-Aqar Healthcare Reit)
04) ARREIT (Amanahraya Reits)
05) ATRIUM (Atrium Reits)
06) AXREIT (Axis Reits)
07) BSDREIT (Al-Hadharah Boustead Reit)
08) CMMT (Capitamalls Malaysia Trust)
09) HEKTAR (Hektar Reits)
10) PAVREIT (Pavillion Real Estate Inv Trust) *
11) QCAPITA (Quill Capita Trust)
12) STAREIT (Starhill Reits)
13) SUNREIT (Sunway Real Estate Invt Trust)
14) TWRREIT (Tower Reits)
15) UOAREIT (UOA Reits)

* PAVREIT 2011上市,去年没有业绩。

利息回酬 2% 有1间
利息回酬 3% 有1间
利息回酬 5% 有1间
利息回酬 7% 有4间
利息回酬 8% 有6间

股精没有看完全部产业信托,但首选Sunreit & Pavreit。原因也很简单,就是知道公司赚钱工具在什么地点,只要有信心就行了。

至于Sunreit 和Pavreit 的详细分析,下次有机会再分享。以下是两间公司2011的股价表现。


## 免责声明,没有包发!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Updates - Sunway

Sunway says the 276.4ha, with an estimated gross development value of RM12 billion, were acquired for RM745.3 million.

SUNWAY Bhd has teamed up with Khazanah Nasional Bhd to buy two plots of land in Medini Iskandar, Johor, for almost RM750 million.

Sunway said the 276.4ha, with an estimated gross development value (GDV) of RM12 billion, were acquired for RM745.3 million.

Sunway formed Semerah Cahaya Sdn Bhd with Khazanah's unit, Dayang Bunting Ventures Sdn Bhd,

"The company will be principally involved in conceptualising, managing, implementing and developing the said land," Sunway said in a statement yesterday.

Sunway currently holds 38 per cent in the joint venture but will increase it to 60 per cent within 54 months from the date of the lease purchase agreement.

It said with the acquisition, the company would have 302ha of development land in Johor, in addition to the existing land in Bukit Lenang, with estimated total GDV of RM13 billion.

Sunway chairman Tan Sri Jeffrey Cheah Fook Ling said the acquisition was in line with its strategy to continue extending its expertise in building and managing integrated cities.

"We want to replicate this expertise in Johor and develop an iconic development which will capture the local, regional and international market segments as we have done with our integrated developments," he said.

Cheah said the project was expected to contribute positively to Sunway's future earnings and cash flow by 2013.

Khazanah managing director Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar said Sunway has a proven track record as a successful master developer in Malaysia and this joint venture is an indication of the company's deepening collaborative partnerships with the private sector.

"We are confident this joint venture will further boost Medini Iskandar's progress as a catalyst development for Iskandar Malaysia," he said in the statement.